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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tears dropped down and win. I can`

I love my family, just as you love me so`

As what I did yesterday, I not in KL. So, an enjoyable weekend to relax myself.
Not much special, but it just a weekend. I did to relax to max.

Oops, tomorrow will be Monday. As usual, I need to wake up early and go to school. Now, I just can’t concentrate at all on my study. I really did a ‘good’ job. What the hell I act as?
My heart is pain. I am unhealthy. I think I would do some exercise after school. No, is a must. I have a lil time to blog. Is, I just need to pretend. Like a busy woman. Do not want to let my mind to be empty. And I will start to think something that not worth to think about it. Things happened two weeks ago. There still in my mind.
Can't just let me forget it? I feel horribly stress. D:
I want to cry. But I pretend not to. I told myself I'm a strong girl. Although things scared me, but I must be strong.
Right? No one bother about you. I must love myself.
I need space, I need time.
The August month's achievement : 
Throw away the books and party!

Ramadhan month right? 
PUASA la then. 
I should do it too. HEHEH.
I strongly being a down mood these weeks.
Hey sister, be strong okay? We love you. Don't ever happen that again! Scared poor me.
I just know how to cry! Bull shit la. HAHA.
Okay, that's the time I end my story. So, let me free`


We can do it! Girls are strong. : )

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