Hell yeah! Exam was over. : ) You happy I happy We are happy family.
Tomorrow will go to celebrate my hell yeah exam was over. Or start holidays soon.
Good news not scare to tell.
Marriage marriage marriage. Wedding wedding wedding. :P
Holidays holidays holidays. Shopping shopping shopping. :D
Just kinda look forward on this Deepavali's holidays.
I planned many things to do okay? I fulled my holidays with lots of fun.
Do let me fulfill. Appreciate it much.
Just get back what I said, exam was over. But the results I think will bad. I mean, even worst.
If you are Dobreiner, you no brain. :) This is what chemistry teacher always says to us.So, last Saturday night I was not at home and I went to celebrate my sister's birthday.
Cute things was, my aunt prepared a special cake for her, and my grandmom. Both the same date.
A special home-made cake. Peach and tiramisu flavor.
Happy Birthday : )
Stay hungry stay foolish.
Apple Iphone 4S released on October. But the way this Iphone is specialised for Steve.
I want Siri, an intelligent assistant that helps you get things done just by asking.
Dad, SPM present. HEHE.
Next post: A step forward back, buffet dinner with family.
Ps: Bye peeps. Longer post for my busy life. I love you. Don't FML. Stay tune.