Happy New Year eve! :)
It's the last day of 2011 year. I feel panic and sad because my school holidays leave me and school reopen soon. What a crazy thing when you haven't enjoy finish your holiday yet? Ugh, bad dream came finally. It's 2012, year end world. Our evil and cruel world, SPM!!! Cut the crap, I'm here to rewind my 2011 life.
I used to remember when January of 2011, I was a newly ex PMR student. 8As okay? Haha. I lined up in the auditorium with my friends.... Start my form 4 life. My mama, aunt, uncle said this year will be a honeymoon year. Hey, your mind is wrong. Who tell you is honeymoon year? Shit year. But I think when we in form 5, more ASS! Okay, I can't remember so much.
Ala, just told you my life when in school holidays.
November 2011, I went to travel around Malaysia and Singapore. Thailand too. Next year my target gonna be Vietnam or Korea. I want to meet my minho. :) I didn't post my photos here cause the capture quality was so bad. I was upset I didn't bring my DSLR. I found many things to do except travel. Cooking, Dining, Gardening, Sporting, Singing. I did it all! :) Proud of me. Oh yeah, and shopping! I bought many stuffs I wanted long time ago. But money not need I to pay. WOOHOO.

December 2011, I used my whole energy in this month.

Fly up in the moment.
I attended my cousin wedding. I went shopping with my families. I went to visit my lovely cousin back from Germany. I used to help my grandma 搓汤圆. Went to pavilion for the BEAR. In short, I did many things.
I did many funny, romantic, crazy epic stuffs in December. HappyWinter Solstice! Happy Christmas Day!
Malaysia's :)
These's what I want to tell. School start soon. I was like

The END. Enjoy. I love you, I love my families.