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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Make sure you DONE.

It's 5o'clock in the morning, conversation got boring...

First, I want to shout out something loud.
Learn to appreciate. This is what I need to do now.
My Chinese sub teacher said:“生活太美满,也是一种遗憾。”
And mine:“不美满,也会是很大的遗憾。因为人,是贪心的。”
Are you sufficient with your life now?
Yes, I am. 
I know I'm not as rich as Bill Gate, I know I'm not as pretty as Taylor Swift. I know I'm not as sexy as Megan Fox.
For all I want to say is, I feel happy things I having now. Family. Friends. Relationship. That's what I want. Things happened by it's own way, I always mention this. We don't know what will happen next in our life. So, learn to appreciate everyday, everything. But everyone have a dream. I want to travel to Hong Kong's Disneyland. This is my wish to come true first. Of cause, SPM 10A+ too. Can I?
A Must. 


How beautiful are these scene be?
If the founder of Disneyland was my father, will I still sitting here and updating blog?
Oh, of cause not. Dude! You must be kidding. I really think like this long time ago.
Buaha, nothing will be real in your dream. :)

Oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to my beloved aunt. Thanks for take care me. You give me the best things I ever had. I love you ♥

Back to schoooooooool life. is just as normal as days. Wake up early, reach school, study, canteen time, study, activities days. 
Okay, okay, okay. And then when I complaining to myself. There a sentence from my sister. 学会放下...
Hell. :) I know, know know.

And so, I love my family :P

P/s: The oral test is vexing. Could you find any forum? I can't. I just have many things to tell but as last I forgot some when I really want to update my blog. Dumb fool me. No, clever me. HA!
I'm totally addicted to this boy band. Guess who are they? :)

Well, for sure this too. He is damn hell handsome!

Never CHANGE. Stay tuned. 

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